RFA Jar upgrade from version 5.2 to 8.2 for JAVA technology/API
Dear Refinitiv Support Team, Our project java base application currently uses RFA version 5.2, which has now become outdated. At the client’s request, we are in the process of upgrading to RFA version 8.2. Given that our application was originally built on the Market Data Layer interface, we are encountering challenges…
Hello, I use the Java/RefinitivSDK in order to receive RealTime data from TREP. Once a RealTIme data is subscribed, the API notifies me through my implementation of the interface method OmmConsumerClient.onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event) The RefreshMsg argument provides: the permission of…
Refreshing credentials for RDP alerts API using AWS SQS java sdk
Hi, I am using the AWS SQS java sdk to connect and retrieve data from the alerts API in RDP. Every hour I need to refresh the cloud credentials as per the user guide, so I end up creating a new SQS client object because I am using StaticCredentialsProvider to pass in the cloud credentials. I can't seem to find how to use a…
Decode Login Response to understand if it is successful or not
Hello, I am unable to find examples where the login response has been decoded to check if login was successful or not. Can you help me with sample code or examples for the EMA Java SDK for the above use case?
Ema - How to set ApplicationName
Hello, we have a Java application that connects to RTDS to get data from a service and publishes to another service. Data retrieval and publishing are executed via 2 different modules. Each of the 2 modules implement OmmConsumerClient. We are experiencing issues when running the solution on the customer environment, where…
How do I extract just a few values from json data in RTO cloud webscoket?
Hi, I am receiving data via WebSocket for RTO v2, and the data comes in the format shown in the attached file. I cannot find out how to assign this data to a variable. I only see it written in the run area. The data is written after the following line of code, but I am unsure how to handle this JSON object on the Java…
rfa java 8.2.3
Where can I download rfa 8.2.3 (Java) from?
Connect error for session1:com.neovisionaries.ws.client.HostnameUnverifiedException: The certific...
...ate of the peer does not match the expected hostname (us-east-1-aws-3-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net) Hello, I was connecting to Cloud RTO 2 using Java. Yesterday afternoon, despite not changing anything related to the connection and being told by the network staff that nothing was modified, I started…
what is the time zone for real time prices from ELEKTRON DD for RTO using EMA java.
what is the time zone for real time prices from ELEKTRON DD for RTO using EMA java. I am currently interested in time for TRDPRC_1, OPEN_PRC, BID, ASK. I am using TRDTIM_1, BID_TIME, ASK_TIME, OPEN_TIME corresponding to the before mentioned fields. Also, in case of BID/ASK, I might receive only a single sided quote, does…
Why am I receiving a "onConnectError" even though I was able to obtain a token?
I am trying to comsume ric with RTO websocket (java). I made some improvements, but they were not sufficient, as I am still encountering the following error. For some reason, I cannot progress beyond obtaining the token. On the Fiddler side, I can only see the process up to the point where the token is retrieved. Do you…
EventText: FID in RIC has been rejected because of deny reason [Unknown Field]. No FID number was...
... received. Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 16.44.09.pngScreenshot 2024-10-13 at 16.33.30.png Hello Dev Team, Our integration layer is in JAVA and Using the Latest Refinitiv SDK. The attachment contains the ERROR that I am trying to make sure I capture in the future. Context: We are contributing price updates using RCC and were…
Error occurred while running RTO consumer - Failed to request service discovery information.
Hi, I am using RTSDK for streaming real time prices but I get below error when I run my consumer. I am using Authentication version v2. I am able to successfully login using the curl command. I have required licenses also in place under my service account. Can you help why the failure. Is it something related to license…
Change default EMA timeout programmatically ?
it seems the default timeout for EMA Java is 45000 milliseconds, is it possible to change that programmatically? I did not find anything in OmmConsumerConfig about that. I am not using EmaConfig.xml and i am creating my OmmConsumer like that: OmmConsumerConfig config = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig(); consumer =…
RSSLNamespace::rsslConnection, status = { state: DOWN, code: NONE, text: "NONE"}
I downloaded the SDK today and have tried to run the tutorial 8 (https://developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time/robust-foundation-api-rfa-java/tutorials#tutorial-8-retrieving-level-1-market-price-data) for getting MarketPrice. However, the login is not succeeding. I get following log:…
Generate a Java object RefreshMsg, UpdateMsg, StatusMsg on the fly
For EMA Java application's Unit Test, is that possible to populate / mock the EMA RefreshMsg, UpdateMsg, StatusMsg? i.e., generate a Java object RefreshMsg, UpdateMsg, StatusMsg on the fly.