Jupyter Notebook Errors
The Jupyter Notebook is running on the Refinitiv server side. Jupyter is not even installed locally and never has been, yet CODEBOOK was working fine on the machine up to a few days ago. This also does not explain the errors with permission or authorization. Here are the errors I'm seeing: 403: Forbidden The error was:…
Datastream: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url:
Hi, Datastream was working fine, but then I started getting this error. Nothing has have changed on my side. Exception has occurred: HTTPError 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://product.datastream.com/DSWSClient/V1/DSService.svc/rest/GetDataBundle
Backend error. 500 Internal Server Error 2024-03-21 19:04:04,440 P[10260] [MainThread 16960] HTTP...
... request failed: EikonError-Backend error. 500 Internal Server Error Good afternoon, how are you? I am writing because I am using the get_timeseries() function with the following parameters: df = ek.get_timeseries(["PAM"], start_date="2024-03-19", end_date="2024-03-20", interval = "tick") At certain times of the day it…
Getting Error 500 when trying to connect RKD quotes using Python
I am getting 500 error when I am trying to connect RKD fundamentals endpoint using python, can you help error code
Error code 500 | Server Error: {"code":500,"message":"Remote server did not reply in an a timely ...
...fashion....) Hi community! after the help desk referred me with my problem to this forum, would be great if one of the dev experts could have a look pls. I have checked accross previous entries but seem like this Error code 500 is a bit generic. In eikon version 1.0.1, an error for port 9060 is thrown. Seems though…
Error : HTTP error: 500 Internal Server Error and Client Code Invalid
Hello! I am using Eikon API with PyCharm for some data retrieval work. I get Error : HTTP error: 500 Internal Server Error on Refinitive Workspace and the python code returns the following error: eikon.eikonError.EikonError: Error code 403 | Client Error: {"ErrorCode":1401,"ErrorMessage":"Application id…
Backend Error 400 ... creeping up regularly ... is there a way to avoid?
I am getting the famous 400 relatively often. Process runs fine, the slows. Same Code for ages, sometimes produces the error, sometimes not. Is there a way to get to the bottom of it? Had a couple of '500' as well, rarely though. Again, absolutely no code changes from my side Python 3.9.16, DataSPELL, Eikon 1.1.16
Python Eikon API Error
If Python requests an eikon API, receive error return. - Error code 2504 | UDF Core request failed. Gateway Time-out - 500 Internal Server Error Errors occur frequently from today. Please let me know the solution. code e.g) ek.get_timeseries("LGOc1", fields="CLOSE", start_date="2023-06-04T00:00:00",…
Good morning, Today I started getting the following error when querying the following API endpoint Endpoint: https://api.refinitiv.com/data/historical-pricing/v1/views/interday-summaries/EUROSTR=?start=2023-06-14&end=2023-06-15&fields=FIXING_1&interval=P1D Error: {'id': 'd8073a4a-acad-4009-bfd0-1bf838bad365', 'code':…
Service discovery request 500 server error
Hi Refinitiv Team, We got 500 server error via service discovery request. The request was working yesterday but not today. We have this logs: Sending EDP-GW service discovery request to https://api.refinitiv.com/streaming/pricing/v1 EDP-GW service discovery HTTP code: 500, Internal Server Error Thank you for your help!
POST /session Token 500 Internal Server Error
python, windows, rest api How do I bypass this error?
error code 401, 500, 2503, and so on.
Where can I find the documents about these error codes? I lost the exact error message but these errores occur very often. ++++++++++++ Oh, I found the error messages that I've got. 500 eikon.eikonError.EikonError: Error code 500 | Server Error: {"code":500,"message":"getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN…
Error Code 500: Socket Hang Up / Internal Server Error
Hi, My colleague who recently signed up for an Eikon trial account is facing the following error when attempting to run some sample code: 2022-10-28 11:11:45,977 P[19708] [MainThread 18724] Error code 500 | Server Error: {"code":500,"message":"socket hang up","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"} 2022-10-28 11:11:45,977…
API python version to use for Eikon Desktop 4.0.55
Hello everyone, Helpdesk sent me here. I am running Python 3.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2019, 15:29:51) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32 in a completely offline environment behind corporate firewall. I download packages and wheels from PYPI or Anaconda and have to do pip install --no-index or conda install…
Python Data
Raising this query on behalf of my client Today, I am stuck when trying to get data by Python. Specifically: - Internet condition: Direct Internet, no proxy setup required - Still access normally using Eikon Desktop to find data Error code: 500 | Without any specific error log (See attached error_eikon.png file) Python Env…