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Can we run the websocket on-stream / off-stream post solely without a need of a non-interactive provider in running?

I found both the websocket on-stream post and off-stream post all need the running of a non-interactive provider, e.g, the NIP 100 Java example in SDK. Otherwise, it will get error like this:









"Text":"A9: Service is unavailable.",


Is that true? Can we run the websocket on-stream / off-stream post solely without a need of a non-interactive provider in running?

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Hello @Frederic

I am not sure what your connection diagram is, but the OMM Posting (either WebSocker or RSSL) is for using a Consumer application to contribute data to Refinitiv Real-Time (RTDS cache, ATS, RCC, etc) only. It is not related to the Non-Interactive Provider and it cannot post data to the Non-Interactive Provider. The Non-Interactive Provider does not accept any posts or request messages.

Please see the diagram below:


According to the given JSON response message "A9: Service is unavailable." means the application was trying to send the post data to the "NI_PUB" which is not available.
I highly recommend you check with the Market Data team about if RTDS is posting enabled and which service name allows posting.

If the problem still persists, please share a connection diagram, WebSocket JSON request, and response messages.

If you have any questions about how to configure RTDS to support Posting, please contact the Refinitiv Real-Time Support team directly.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.