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VAConsumer ETA CSharp Not Streaming Data


I was using VAConsumer app to access the streaming data for USFOMC=ECI Yesterday at 11:30 UTC. The data released at expected time but it didn't got updated in the CMD under the field it supposed to (ECON_ACT).

The data was updated on Eikon terminal though. Can you please help me with what I might be doing wrong.

I've checked the update type (Snapshot / Streaming) it is set to streaming only.

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Hi @abhinav.gupta

When I look using the SpeedGuide Tool, I do see the ECON_ACT value:


If you are not seeing the value updating within your application, you need to make sure you are specifying the field within your view. By default, all fields should be updated. For example:

OmmConsumerConfig config = new OmmConsumerConfig().Host("ADS:14002").UserName("user");

// create OMM consumer
consumer = new OmmConsumer(config);

// subscribe to Level1 market data
// default subscription domain is MMT_MARKET_PRICE
// default fields (All)
consumer.RegisterClient(new RequestMsg().ServiceName("ELEKTRON_DD").Name("IBM.N"), 

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Another example is GBMPCH=ECI. The data is updated on Refinitiv Eikon but not through the streaming API.


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.