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Python Websocket lost connection


I'm writing a client side websocket program in python to get real time data from Refinitiv.

I'm using multithreading where one thread receives the data and put them in a queue and the other thread

handle the data in the queue(update our own database).

It's supposed to run 24/7 all year long.

But I've discovered that after some time(ranging from about 1 to 4 days) the connection will be lost.

The strange thing is that it dosen't jump to on_close() or on_error(). The program simply stops receiving data or ping/pong message from the server but the program is still running just nothing happens.

So how should I go about reconnecting to the server in this situation.

I've already written reconnection logic in on_close() and on_error(). But since it doesn't jump to either of those functions I don't know what to do.

Please help. Thank you

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I assume that you are using the third party WebDocket client library to establish the WebSocket connection to the server. You may check the offical documents of that WebSocket client library.

Regarding how to handle ping messages, you can refer to this example.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can use ping message and other incomming messages to verify the connection status.

Typically, the server sends a ping message to the application every 20 seconds. If it doesn't get any messages back from the application, it will cut the connection.

You can also use this method to verify the connection status. For example, if the applicaiton doesn't receive any messages (including ping messges) from the server for a specific time (20 seconds), the application can disconnect and then reconnect to the server.

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@Jirapongse I'm speculating that there are so much data to receive and handle that my application doesn't have time to send the 'pong' message back? But it's weird that it doesn't jump to on_close() or on_error() where I have re-connection logic written in.

As for your suggestion, how do I check if the application doesn't receive any messages from the server for a specific time?

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You may also check what the last message that the application received.

Is it the login closed status message?


It's not the login closed status message.

The last message is the 'ping' I sent. There is no 'pong' being sent back.

There is no error message. My program will print the error message and error code if there's an error(it should jump to the on_error() function if there is an error).

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