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How to handle COMPLETION_EVENT while migrating Refinitiv RFA API to EMA API?

We are currently upgrading our application from RFA API to use EMA API. We referred a similar question in this link:

But we are not able to use the rsslIsFinalState given in the solution here. Please provide a working example to identify the completion event or closing of a stream in any Consumer(given below) implementing OmmConsumerClient.


// *| This source code is provided under the Apache 2.0 license --

// *| and is provided AS IS with no warranty or guarantee of fit for purpose. --

// *| See the project's for details. --

// *| Copyright (C) 2019 Refinitiv. All rights reserved. --



import com.refinitiv.ema.access.Msg;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.AckMsg;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.GenericMsg;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.RefreshMsg;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.ReqMsg;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.StatusMsg;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.UpdateMsg;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.EmaFactory;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumer;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerClient;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerConfig;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerEvent;

import com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmException;

class AppClient implements OmmConsumerClient


public void onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event)




public void onUpdateMsg(UpdateMsg updateMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event)




public void onStatusMsg(StatusMsg statusMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event)




public void onGenericMsg(GenericMsg genericMsg, OmmConsumerEvent consumerEvent){}

public void onAckMsg(AckMsg ackMsg, OmmConsumerEvent consumerEvent){}

public void onAllMsg(Msg msg, OmmConsumerEvent consumerEvent){}


public class Consumer


public static void main(String[] args)


OmmConsumer consumer = null;



AppClient appClient = new AppClient();

OmmConsumerConfig config = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig();

consumer = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumer("localhost:14002").username("user"));

ReqMsg reqMsg = EmaFactory.createReqMsg();

consumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("DIRECT_FEED").name("IBM.N"), appClient);

Thread.sleep(60000); // API calls onRefreshMsg(), onUpdateMsg() and onStatusMsg()


catch (InterruptedException | OmmException excp)






if (consumer != null) consumer.uninitialize();




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10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Please provide a running example in Java

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

The code looks like this:

    public void onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event)
    { ...             if (isFinalState(refreshMsg.state())) {             ...         } ...     }          public void onStatusMsg(StatusMsg statusMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event)      {  ...  if (statusMsg.hasState()) {             System.out.println("Item State: " +statusMsg.state());             if (isFinalState(statusMsg.state())) {                 ...             }         }          ...              }     public boolean isFinalState(OmmState state) {                  if(state.streamState() == StreamState.CLOSED ||                  state.streamState() == StreamState.CLOSED_RECOVER ||                 state.streamState() == StreamState.CLOSED_REDIRECTED ||                 state.streamState() == StreamState.NON_STREAMING) {             return true;         }         return false; }

The state is available in the Refresh messages and optional in Update messages.

You need to check the stream state. If the stream state is CLOSED. CLOSED_RECOVER, REDIRECTED, or NON_STREAMING, this means that the stream has been closed.

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Thanks for the prompt reply

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.