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Fetch news associated with RIC codes using RDP News API on T+1 basis


We are currently managing a list of approximately 2000 RIC codes and are looking to streamline the process of retrieving related news for each code, on a T+1 basis. Our goal is to identify and fetch news from the prior day that is related to each RIC code.

We have not been able to find a working solution using the data/news/v1 API. One approach we considered involved fetching all headlines using the headlines endpoint with the available date range filter, then using the storyId of each headline to access the full news content, and finally for each story, we'd filter based on the RIC codes - including the ones that exist in our list and discarding the ones that does not exist. However, this method seems extremely inefficient and unlikely to be the best and only method out there.

Do you have any insights or recommendations on best practices for this or other more efficient ways within the API to fetch news with specific RIC codes for the previous day's coverage?

We appreciate all the help we can get, thank you in advance team.

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Hi @philip.user ,

Have you had a look at the Refinitiv Data (RD) Library for Python? It offers functionalities such as the below; let me know if it helps:

import as rd
df ="LSEG.L", start="2020-01-01", end="2024-01-01", count=3)


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Hi Jonathan,

Yes we had a look at the Library for python but our application is 100% Java. That's why we assumed we could not use those endpoints but only the ones in RDP News API. We haven't been able to find an equivalent library or functionalities within the RDP News API for Java.

Do you know if there is a similar library available for Java? Alternatively, is there a recommended method for Java applications to have the same options?

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Hi @philip.user , I'm afraid that we do not have a JAVA library; however, in these cases, I investigate the Python Library behavior and try and replicate it. I suggest using the logs, as shown in [this article]( (in the "Switching `Logs` On" section). There you will be able to see the API calls and JSON messages sent and received to replicate it in JAVA.

Let me know if this helps.

Thanks for the suggestion. Just to confirm, we should still follow the same solution design the process of first fetching headlines by RIC codes, then get each storyId to retrieve the full stories from the storyId endpoint? It seems a bit indirect, but it sounds like this is the recommended method? (It would be the same solution design using python as well)

Thank you so much for the guidance.

Hi @philip.user , yes, this is the advised workflow.

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