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What is the limit in rdp for number requests per second?

What is the limit of number of requests per second in RDP for these APIs:

1) /auth/oauth2/v1/token
2) /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup
3) /discovery/symbology/v1/lookup-type
4) /data/historical-pricing/v1/views/intraday-summaries/{universe}
5) /data/pricing/snapshots/v1/

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10 |1500

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25.4k 90 12 25

Hi @noorulamin.shaikh

When I previously queried about limits with the above discovery/symbology APIs, I was advised that the symbology APIs do not impose any particular limit.

However, the RDP gateway itself may impose restrictions to ensure fair usage

In the general RDP API documentation, I found the following section


Note that their should not be a need to call /auth/oauth2/v1/token often - since a token typically expires every 600 seconds - as per the 'expires_in' value return in the response.

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24.5k 63 15 21

Hi @noorulamin.shaikh,

There is no single published limit for the APIs. In general, each service (endpoint) enforces their own limits and sometimes these are not published. You can read about it in the Reference tab on the API playground or reach out to the product manager for each of these.

E.g. For Intraday Summaries:

Limit Value

  1. Burst limit: The number of outstanding requests at a time.
  2. Rate limit: The number of requests allowed in one second.
Historical Pricing API User 'burst' limit User 'rate' limitGET interday-summaries5050GET intraday-summaries2525GET events2525GET single-event7575POST interday-summaries1515POST events44
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10 |1500

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.