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get_news_headline not working for specific query


I am trying to retrieve English Reuters news articles for DAX companies by using "get_news_headline".

The search queries "R:BMWG.DE AND Language:LEN" and "R:BMWG.DE AND Source:RTRS" are working just fine. But when I am trying to use the combination of the search criteria with the query "R:BMWG.DE AND Language:LEN AND Source:RTRS" my script gets stuck. I've already tried to build the query in all possible ways but it is not working. Is there any limitation or rule for building those queries?

Thanks in advance!

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Hello @refinitiv.user1

I have tried with the strategic Data Library for Python (PyPI).

import refinitiv.data as rd
#Open Session
#Get News
rd.news.get_headlines("R:BMWG.DE AND Language:LEN AND Source:RTRS", count=10)

It works fine on my end as follows:


Can you try with the Data Library for Python?

You can find more detail about how to upgrade from the Eikon Data API to Data Library on this Upgrade from using Eikon Data API to the Data library article.

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