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How to get the annual data (Refinitiv Python API) % Institutional Ownership

Hi all,

I have been using the Refinitiv API to retrieve % Institutional Ownership data, and my current Python script is able to fetch this information on a monthly basis. However, for my analysis, I only need the year-end data for each year.

Here is the code I have written so far:

[Python code]

import pandas as pd

import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek

{'StatType':7, 'SDate':'20201231', 'EDate':'20231231'})

[Python code]

The results I get are in monthly intervals. Could someone please advise on how to modify this code to retrieve only the year-end % Institutional Ownership data? Specifically, I am looking for the data at the end of each year (e.g., December 31st).

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Best regards,


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Hi @Refinitiv.Workspace_052

I did try a few things but it's unclear if the data you are looking for is organized on a yearly basis. I would suggest you reach out to the "Get Help & Support (F1)" within the desktop. They will bring in a content specialist to explain how the data is organized and whether year-end data is available.

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