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Wrong currency or null value returned in Refinitiv Data Library

The following request returns either wrong values or null values.

               ".MIJP0200BGGB", ".MIUGG200BGGB", ".MIAXK200BGGB", ".MIUS0200BGGB", ".MIEF0EC0SGGB" ]
rd.get_data(universe = instruments, fields = ["TR.IndexCalculationCurrency"])


However, when I check in Workspace, the correct data can be retrieved


Can you have a look, please?


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You can also use Eikon Data API in Codebook.

The code looks like this:

import refinitiv.data.eikon as ek

               ".MIJP0200BGGB", ".MIUGG200BGGB", ".MIAXK200BGGB", ".MIUS0200BGGB", ".MIEF0EC0SGGB" ]
df, err = ek.get_data(instruments, fields = ["CF_CURR"])

The output is:


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Hi @yaokoffi.kouassi

Try using the field: CF_CURR


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Hi @nick.zincone and thank you for your reply.

I tried to use CF_CURR field and the response is not satisfying.

Instead of getting the string value of the currency, I retrieved the digital currency code as you can see below


I've read this post which allows to resolve the currency code in RDP which is in my mind a hack.

As the code I'm currently designing is for an external user, I prefer to have an elegant solution.

Question : is there a parameter I can put in the get_data parameter field to resolve the currency code ?


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Hi @yaokoffi.kouassi

What about this?

You try to get a currency from the TR.PriceClose.currency. However it seems that the second instrument is a bit different with the currency code "US2" and is not recognized, therefore you may try this workaround:

rd.get_data(universe = instruments, fields = ["AVAIL(TR.PriceClose.currency,TR.IndexCalculationCurrency)"])
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Hi @marcin.bunkowski01 ,

Fantastic! in your code above, If I use TR.ClosePrice.currency instead of TR.PriceClose.currency, then the output is correct.


Thank you for your help.

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Thanks @Jirapongse!

Your piece of code works as well.

However, I've been advised to use Refinitiv Data Library instead of EIkon Data API.

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