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Delayed update for RIC via API

This data was published at 3.15 pm and was available via the excel add in (and terminal) immediately.

In the python API it was not available until 9pm. That is a 6-hour lag of data delivers from one method to another, a method which in my opinion should be much quicker.

I used CODEBK and below was able to get the data. Below is the code I used.

import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek







Can you confirm if what the issue is in the code client used as there is no delay in Excel nor Eikon terminal.

Code client used:

import eikon as ek


today = datetime.date.today()

ara = ek.get_timeseries('STK-GO-ARA', fields='CLOSE', start_date='2019-01-01')

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I ran the code and got the data properly.


The API retrieves data from the source. It can't delay the data. For the ek.get_timeseries method, the data source is the UDF service. Please contact the helpdesk to verify the content on UDF.

The client can verify the retrieved raw data by using the following code.

import eikon as ek
ek.set_app_key('<App key>')

The raw data looks like this:


If the client can't see the data in the log, the problem should be in the backend system.

Morever, if the problem happens with the Eikon Data API on the local machine, please try to replicate the issue on the same enviroment as the client (not using CodeBook) because the data sources may be different.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I ran the code and got this data.


The client can try to use the get_history method in the Refinitiv Data Library for Python instead.

df = rd.get_history( 

The examples are on GitHub. However, according to the problem statement, it could be the content issue. Therefore, you may contact the helpdesk team to verify when the current data was available in the histoical database.

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Hi @Jirapongse

Checked this in Excel and CODEBK, there are no delays hence it is not a content issue. Could be related to his script or system used to pull the data?

Jirapongse avatar image Jirapongse jeremiemae.celajes


If the client runs the same code at different times and gets different results, it should be a content issue.

Hi @Jirapongse

I checked this with Content and confirmed there was an outage where there is a delay in update however that was resolved before the update time of the RIC which is 3PM.

As per the below ALERT:

"Issue is ow resolved. Updates resumed at 11:00 GMT after the source resolved the issue. There was no data loss during the outage. Daily aggregated values are unaffected by this incident."

And Content confirmed there as well were no delays post the alert was resolved.

Could this be a delay with PYTHON API?

You also suggested to use get_history however this data library and ‘get_history’ method is an inadequate solution, having read through some of the docs, client need to install a new library and edit a config file, which is not an acceptable solution.

I greatly appreciate your help and confirmation on this.

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I don't think the the Python API can delay the data. It just sends a request message to the backend and them process a response message on the backend.

I ran the code and got the following result.


Is it delayed? Can you replicate this issue with Eikon Data API on your machine?

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Hi @Jirapongse

The data is delayed again, still not available via the API were in Eikon, data is already available, and I am not able to replicate using CODEBK.

So, there is nothing wrong with the content but with Python API.

Please see the below screenshot from the client.


From Eikon, RIC is already updated.


Please confirm if why data is being delayed in Python API. Thanks

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