

May I ask if the following below is a Data/Content issue or an API issue?

We are sourcing FIDs 3428, 3427, 4356, 14268, 3886 and 3430 from the market-by-price feed (using OMMMsg.Indication.VIEW).

API: 8.1.2.L1.all com.reuters.rfa Java library.

we have received an OMMMapEntry.Action.UPDATE to “A-M+C” entry for 9616.T on Jun 4 (Tue) at 11:29:21.278 JST, however, this entry was not being “added” before (no corresponding OMMMapEntry.Action.ADD before). We would like to understand on why OMMMapEntry.Action.UPDATE was being published instead of OMMMapEntry.Action.ADD.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I checked the raw data from Tick History and found the Add action of the "A-M+C" at 00:20:09 (GMT) on 2024-06-04.

9616.T,Market By Price,2024-06-04T00:20:09.224108351Z,+9,Raw,UPDATE,UNSPECIFIED,,,,4742,,39040,,0
,,,,FID,6517,,HALT_REASN,"  ",
,,,,FID,6614,,TRD_STATUS,1,"N "
,,,,FID,13409,,REGU_COND,0,"     "

Then, I saw this key in the Refresh message at 00:47:16 GMT.

9616.T,Market By Price,2024-06-04T00:47:16.721459123Z,+9,Raw,REFRESH,NOT_COMPLETE,,,,4742,0,35167,,0

The next update was at 02:29:21 GMT.

9616.T,Market By Price,2024-06-04T02:29:21.349202131Z,+9,Raw,UPDATE,UNSPECIFIED,,,,4742,,36496,,0
,,,,FID,6517,,HALT_REASN,"  ",
,,,,FID,6614,,TRD_STATUS,1,"N "

According to this information, this map entry was added at 00:20:09 GMT so it should not be the content issue.

Please contact the API support team via Contact Premium support to verify this issue.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.