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Best DACS library for dotnet core

Hi, I am currently using RTDS (LSEG.Ema.Core in a C# project (targeting framework net6.0) to subscribe to a stream of quotes.

I would now like to incorporate DACS to the above project to control permissions.

The documentation seems to suggest there is a .NET DACS library which I haven't been able to find.

I did find some examples but they all seem to target a very old dotnet framework 4.5.1 which I don't think is supported any more.

What is the latest set of libraries and dependencies (hopefully nuget) I would need to use to get DACS working on dotnet 6.0 or above and where could I get those libraries from?


Note: Development is in Windows but application is deployed to Linux box

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

The solution could be Open DACS Permission Server (ODPS) which supports HTTP 1.1/REST protocol. Please check the Open DACS and Open DACS Permission Server article.

You can contact your LSEG account team or sales team directly for more information.

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Hi @jose.moreno

Did you get a chance to look in NuGet for this .Net libraries? For example, here is the Dacs library:

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Hi @nick.zincone

thanks, I did look at LSEG.Eta.Dacs but it seems to contain only some of the classes that I need.

It doesn't seem to have any classes for login or checking permissions like AuthorizationSystem or AuthorizationAgent.

I was looking at this document for Open DACS .NET 7.5 (dacsauth_devguide_net.pdf) and trying to find the classes and methods with no luck.

@Jirapongse thanks, I had already read that document but can't download the sdk. Documentation seems a bit circular and ends up pointing to an RFA C++ library which is meant to be legacy and suggests using a new one but then link back to RFA. Our contact person in LSEG provided a C++ library as well over two weeks ago and have been waiting for a dotnet one.

Hence the questions on which sdk is the correct to use for c# and how could we get it. My understanding is the Eta\Ema is the strategic sdk (and we are using it for getting streaming quotes), but not sure about the correct one for DACS. Is it C++ only? do I need RFA? Documentation suggests there's a dotnet one.


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According to its description, LSEG.Eta.Dacs on Nuget is a DACS Lock API used to manage DACS locks.

I mean the the Refinitiv Open DACS Permission Server (ODPS) which is a server product so you need to setup it in your environment.


This product internally uses OpenDACS API to connect to DACS and it provides the REST API for client applications. The product is available in the Software Downloads.


The ODPS package contains the ODPS_Developers_Guide that explains how to use its REST API.

Regarding Open DACS SDK, currently the SDK supports C++, and Java and it depends on the RFA event distribution mechanism so it requires the RFA libraries. I can't find OpenDACS .NET Framework 4.x version anymore. It may be removed.

In conclustion, I think the suitable solution for .NET 6.0 is ODPS but you need to setup it on your environment.

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