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Is there a way to automatically download ExcelFiles from refinitiv portal? (PCN and DN Excel Files)


I'm currently developing a python script that processes DownloadProduct (PCN) and DownloadData (DN) Excel Files. I want to automate the task of downloading the DownloadProduct and DownloadData (with applied filters) from the myRefinitiv Portal. (The one where you need to manually click the filter button and click the download excel file button)

I've read some documentation about the RDP API and I'm guessing that would help me in what I'm doing but I'm unsure if it will answer my needs.

Also, if this is not possible, then is there a way to access that data that's contained in those excel files?

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Hi @lui-kyukyu I'm afraid to say that I think think that APIs aimed at the myRefinitiv Portal are outside the remit of the RDP and this LSEG Q&A Forum.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but usually these "DN" (Data Notifications) and "PCN" (Product Change Notifications) are updates that are findable via a reference number on the MyAccount LSEG websibe

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Let me know if I was looking in the wrong place and you were referring to something else.

1722331657959.png (44.3 KiB)
1722331681244.png (60.7 KiB)
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Hi @jonathan.legrand, to clarify about what the DownloadProduct and DownloadData Excel Files are, they are generated once you click the download button on the DN and PCN tabs that you've mentioned.

Unfortunately, I have talked to a product manager of NotifiAPI and they said that they have no way of acquiring these files. But I can only pull the data for the Data Notifications and Product Change Notifications from the server with the use of the NotifiAPI and returns them in a JSON file.


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