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The cache list size for the application is set to 0, which is illegal.

We configred the NI Provider at RTDS, tested with teserserver and make sure it works.

But once we mount the application developed with the EMA API, there's error message in the adh.log:
<cipsnylab1.1.adh.sourceSSLDistribution.sslDispatcher.TEST_NIP: Error: Wed Sep 18 04:03:32 2024>
Failed to start server "TEST_NIP" for the RSSL application "TEST_NIP".
Server start-up failed because:
The cache list size for the application is set to 0, which is illegal.
Make sure that the application is configured correctly.

I found there're simular cases, such as:

I checked the setting, e.g:

  1. *REPUB*cacheLocation : ssl
  2. *REPUB*cacheType : sourceDriven
  3. apis11*adh**REPUB*maxCache: 5000

But we still failed.

Please, masters, do you had met this scenario and resolved it. Appreciate for support, thanks!

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

If you are using TEST_NIP as a NI service, the configuration should be like this:

*adh*TEST_NIP*cacheLocation : ssl
*adh*TEST_NIP*cacheType : sourceDriven
*adh*TEST_NIP*maxCache : 50000

If this doesn't work, please share your configuration file.

Are you using EMA C++, Java, or .NET?

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Thanks Jirapongse.

I attached the RTDS config file and using EMA Java. (11.0 KiB)
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I am not sure about this line.


Are you starting the instance#1 of ADH?

Otherwise, you can add the OpenLimit in the directory configuration.

                    <!-- 0 means service is down, 1 - means service is up (default; 1) -->
                    <ServiceState value="1"/>
                    <!-- 0 means service does not accept, 1 - means service accepts (default; 1) -->
                    <AcceptingRequests value="1"/>
                    <!-- optional; specifies status change to apply to all items provided by this service -->
                    <!-- possible values are listed in the OmmState.h file of the EMA -->
                        <!-- possible values are: Open, Close, CloseRecover -->
                        <StreamState value="StreamState::Open"/>
                        <!-- possibe values are: NoChange, Ok, Suspect    -->
                        <DataState value="DataState::Ok"/>
                        <!-- possible values are: None, DacsDown, etc    -->
                        <StatusCode value="StatusCode::None"/>
                        <!-- a text field    -->
                        <StatusText value=""/>
                    <OpenLimit value="50000"/>


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