For the last two weeks, I haven been run StarterConsumer retrieving MarketPrice data for RIC MCU3=LX correctly, even for yesterday. But today exception occurs when run StarterConsumer in handling Refresh message. The exception shows as the following:
FieldEntry [ 8582] MMT_CLASS"12-N-----P?---"
FieldEntry [ 9302] SRC_ES_DT1/3/2018
FieldEntry [ 13018] CLR_OBL_FL********************* ERROR! ********************** ERROR! ********************* 2018 Jan 3 16:38:21.304 ST GMT+00:00 AE45 3A927740 133 ERROR* ExceptionHandler::checkException() EXCEPTION! AN EXCEPTION HAS BEEN THROWN! The following information describes the exception:
Exception Type: InvalidUsageException
Exception Severity: Error
Exception Classification: IncorrectAPIUsage
Exception Status Text: Enumeration Table does NOT contain entry for enum = 1
Can anyone help me ? It seems that some field can't be decoded correctly.