We are having a problem with missing data when using multi-threading in our application. I'm hoping someone could give us an idea about what could be wrong.
Our application has a number of users so what we do is:
When we receive a subscription request from a user, we create a thread and:
- We create or reuse a previously created RFA session.
- We subscribe all the requested RICS with TREP using a single queue (we've also tried wrapping the queue in a queueGroup)
- we start calling the dispatch on the queue
We receive data for almost all the subscribed RICS, except for a couple, it doesn't matter how many RICs subscriptions we make, we always miss data from 1 or 2 RICS.
Again, this only happens if we use multi-threading, when we use a single thread to serve all requests, we receive all data.
I hope the explanation makes sense, thanks in advance for any help.