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How to configure EMA 3.3 for RTO?


My client is using EMA 3.3 currently and has just received the Welcome e-mail for RTO. They have registered the App Name and created the password for RTO. They're now asking where and how to configure these for RTO connection. Thanks if you can help. They're currently using EMA Java 3.3 version.



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EMA Java 3.3 is quite old. I suggest using the latest version instead. The latest version is (EMA 3.6.2.L1). You can download it from

After that, you can run the ex113_MP_SessionMgmt by using gradlew.

./gradlew runConsumer113 -PcommandLineArgs="-username <UserID or MachineID>  -password <Password> -clientId <AppKey> -itemName JPY=" 

For more information, please refer to the Running an EMA example topic in this article.

The configuration for RTO is in the EMAConfig.xml.

            <Name value="Channel_4"/>
            <ChannelType value="ChannelType::RSSL_ENCRYPTED"/>
            <CompressionType value="CompressionType::None"/>
            <GuaranteedOutputBuffers value="5000"/>
            <!-- EMA discovers a host and a port from RDP service discovery for the specified location
                 when both of them are not set and the session management is enable. -->
            <Location value="us-east"/>
            <EnableSessionManagement value="1"/>
            <ObjectName value=""/>

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Hi @serhat.gulsen1

Your client may also find the following useful:
Quick Start - Connect to RTO

Please note that (unless they want to specifically use their own Keystore file) they can ignore the KeyStore related instructions and steps if using the latest EMA java version.

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Hello @serhat.gulsen1

Besides the useful and clear answers from @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai and @umer.nalla , the client can also watch the "30 minutes to create a Real-Time Optimized consumer application | EMA Java" video tutorial from the Video Catalog page.

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Thanks for the verry usefull answers and videos.

One additional question: is there any way of connecting to RTO with EMA without managing/entering passwords in the code? I've seen the the videos on V1 & V2 authentication methods, but both specify password in clear text as input for the config object of the OMMCOnsumer, how can I avoid that?

Thank you,


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