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Converting RIC exchange name to one that my account is subscribed to

I am getting my trading equities from another platform. For example if the trade for AAPL was executed in Nasdaq then the RIC of this will be AAPL.O but if i am not subscribed to Nasdaq live market data but i am subscribed to NYSE then how do i request data from refinitiv for AAPL in NYSE or AAPL.A? I am using refinitiv Websocket for live market data. The main issue is converting AAPL.O to AAPL.A, or is there a way refinitiv can handle this automatically? I am using JS.

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Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

To retrieve data via WebSocket API, the application needs to know RICs that can provide the required data. WebSocket API is unable to convert AAPL.O to AAPL.A.

You can use other APIs to search for RICs. For example, I can use the Refinitv Data Platform APIs to search for AAPL in NYSE American when trading NASDAQ Global Select Mkt.

The request message is:

  "View": "Quotes",
  "Filter": "TickerSymbol eq 'AAPL' and ExchangeCode eq 'GSA' and AssetState eq 'AC'",
  "Select": "RIC,TickerSymbol,ExchangeCode, ExchangeName, AssetState"

The output is:

  "Total": 1,
  "Hits": [
      "RIC": "AAPL.A",
      "TickerSymbol": "AAPL",
      "ExchangeCode": "GSA",
      "ExchangeName": "NYSE American when trading NASDAQ Global Select Mkt",
      "AssetState": "AC"


The response contains AAPL.A. Then, you can subscribe to AAPL.A via WebSocket API.

For more information regarding Refinitiv Data Platform APIs, please contact your Refinitiv account team or sales team directly.

I hope that this information is of help.

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