world check one v3 technical document
hi, From where we can download the world check one v3 technical document? we attained a webinar on 30th September 2024 on V3. Thanks, Urmimala Ghosh
How can I extract all cases with a HIT?
How can I extract all cases with a HIT?
How to define and use custom fields to reduce false positives
The usage of secondary fields does not reduce the matches in our case. Can we define custom fields for e.g. address data to reduce the matches?
Is it possible to download the PDF file of the match details report?
Hi, I need to be able to download the PDF document of the match details report (different to the case level report). Is there an API available to support this?
World Check One API : JAVA Program for GET request to /v2/groups: 401 Unauthorized Error
Hi All, We are trying to call the WorldCheckOne API from the SAP, where we need to convert the XML to JSON and post the data to WorldCheckOne API. For which, I have written a program to make a GET request to /v2/groups , I am getting HTTP 401 error. Not exactly sure what is causing the error, could you please check and let…
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource (Working in Postman ...
...but not in JavaScript) Hi Team, I am getting CORS Error in Browser but its working fine in Postman. All the Headers are getting properly generated(Date, HMAC and Authorization) via my JavaScript Code. None of the Addons to by-pass the CORS are working for me. Can you please share the exact Headers which I need to attach…
Error message for POST requests SEQ-case-create-simple from Low-Code-Platform Appian
Hello everyone, we are currently setting up the test access for the Word Check One API and in Postman every query (POST and GET) works fine. We get problems when we try to set up POST requests via our own system (low code platform Appian). Get Requests work fine. I have already cross-checked the different functions with…
Is there a full list of categories of world-check profile?
I have seen many categories in world check profiles, such as INDIVIDUAL, TERRORISM, CRIME - ORGANIZED... I was wondering if there is a full list of categories (with description will be better)?
Will review required have chance change to unresolved type?
Hi Forum, I would like to understand more about the "Review Required" case. We wonder if updates applied to any individual in the World Check database could change the mandatory action type from "Review Required" to "Unresolved." For example, I have a hit case A where there is currently no gender or date of birth…
Hong Kong is a region or country by WC?
Hi Forum, Could you please clarify whether Hong Kong and Taiwan are classified as regions or countries in the World Check database when using the API? Thanks!
Update WC Hits Status Back To Unresolved In WC1
Good day, Refinitiv, I want to check, in the WC1 web application, is there any way we can update a "Resolved" hit back to "Unresolved"? So that we can see it will fall under the "Mandatory Action" queue for the next follow-up action. Thanks.
Requesting the documentation on how match strength is calculated
I'm using World-Check-One API, I'm looking for the article that shows which range of MatchScore falls within which match strength. i.e. "Exact' requires a match score of 99-100
Where can we find the enum value for WCO results?
Good day, Forum, Recently I just realized that the value of GENDER can be "UNKNOWN" which previously we assume the value will be "MALE"/ "FEMALE" or null value only. May I know is there any document that we can see all the ENUM values of each object attribute from the response object of the API below?…
how many cases we can resolve through /cases/{caseSystemId}/results/resolution
hi, how many cases we can resolve through API /cases/{caseSystemId}/results/resolution. what is the length of this array "resultIds": [ "string" ] Thanks, Urmimala Ghosh
What is Review Required case?
Hi Community, I would like to know what is the meaning of Review Required case. Generally, I understand it is a case that was previously resolved and due to any new updates on the case, it appear again as Review Required. However, we would like to know what is the "new updates", is it the adverse news of the individual has…