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Error while configuring my Python EIKON API (anaconda)

User is getting an error while configuring my Python EIKON API (anaconda) while following the link below:


Please refer to the screenshot below:


Tried to follow the suggested steps on the links below:



I wanted to follow these steps:

However it doesn’t work on the first step with the following error:

Looking forward to your response.

api-error.png (177.1 KiB)
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Hi @MarkJayson.Lima

There is the Eikon Data API and Refinitiv Data Library - Troubleshooting article that might help the client. Please ask the client to try the steps inside the article to collect information.

In the meantime, the client can try to use the CodeBook app which is a cloud-hosted Jupyter app with built-in libraries from their Eikon/Workspace directly.

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