Good day,
We recently developed a very simple Python+RDL script which aims to instantiate a custom config file to be populated with details of connectivity such as:
-dacs user & -ads server
We do some RIC consultation through:
We are able to take user input for number of updates, RICs and fields to subscribe to. We're also able to point out which specific ads service we're trying to subscribe to. But now we find ourselves trying to portray different error messages based on the following issues which we're unsure as to which layer they belong to and whether or not the RDL has them as specific error codes:
(Ordered by relevancy):
1.- DACSuser does not exist in database
2.- DACSuser is not entitled to 1 or more of pointed out RICs. (Think DACS item permission test function)
3.- DACSuser is exceeding maximum number of allowed simultaneous logins. (Ideally it would also return current mounts for the user)
4.- RIC is non-existent in service. (When providing a strange RIC such as MYSUPERCOOLRIC= the output is just "None" to any fields solicited, it's be neat if it returned a "RIC not found" message)
5.- FIELD is non-existent for RIC. (When providing a strange FIELD such as MYSUPERCOOLRICFIELD the the column itself is not even generated in the dataframe)
Sorry to be so scattershot with my inquiry, just trying to figure out if there are some tools or error codes we may be missing that could be easily leveraged for some of these situations.
Thanks in advance for all your help!