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upload or add the list of new convictions via RDP API HVMI Endpoints

I am now testing HVMI Endpoints from RDP API and frontend in Workspace for that. But I cannot find the endpoints that will upload or add the list of new convictions. Is there any RDP API Endpoint for that?


I first contacted LSEG Support but they sent me to Developer Portal

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Hello @Anastasiia.Shcherbak

I checked the RDP API Playground page ( I found the following endpoints. Do they match your requirements?


Note: There is also the /data/hvmi/v1/conviction-lists endpoint too


In the mean time, I am contacting the RDP team to help you with this RDP API endpoint question. I will get back to you as soon as I receive any information from the team.

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Hello @Anastasiia.Shcherbak

Sorry for the inconvenience. You can find all RDP endpoints information on the RDP API Playground page (

You may contact your LSEG representative or Account Manager to help you find the right endpoint that matches your requirement.

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Hello @wasin.w

I asked hier because I checked the ApiDocs website and also contacted LSEG and they could not answer that question.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.