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How do I get credentials for the WebSocket API connection

I have downloaded both the and examples.I now need the appropriate command line credentials including the connectivity details. Can you supply? If not let me know how I can apply for the information.

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Hi @ralphh,

The user credentials must be provided by your market data team. They will provide you proper server connection parameters as well as the necessary login credentials. Once you receive those, I would encourage you to download the "Try it Now" documentation from the developer portal.

This will allow you to quickly determine if the connection and login details work before you supply them to your examples.

Also, ensure they have the proper server setup for you to connect to. They can find the details on the WebSocket API Overview page.

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Hi @ralphh

Elektron Websocket API requires a TREP 3.2 infrastructure. Ask the market data administrator in your organization for connectivity and authentication details to your local ADS.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.