I need to create Python function, that would verify if specific client's DSS ID is still valid.
When i run get request using the following endpoint 'https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Users/Users(9034757)' and my own user id, i am getting a valid response:
b'{"@odata.context":"https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#Users/$entity","UserId":9034757,"UserName":"Bartosz Hurec","Email":"bartosz.hurec@lseg.com","Phone":""}'
But when i try the same for some other ID, i am getting a message:
b'{"error":{"message":"User of id '9009514' not found. "}}'
Upon checking on DSS PUBS, the ID from example above exists and is valid.
Do I need some additional permissions to view other details of users others than mine own?
Thanks a lot in advance.