I would like to launch query when workbook open and save as new excel file after all value update.
However, it can't refresh all values before auto save as a new excel file
Here is my VBA code (modify RHistoryAPI.xlsm)
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim MyWS As Worksheet
Dim l_historyManager As HistoryManager
Dim l_historyQuery As HistoryQuery
Dim l_destinationRange As Range
Dim l_result As String
Set MyWS = Worksheets("Reuters")
Set l_historyManager = RHistoryVBA.GetHistoryManager
Set l_historyQuery = l_historyManager.CreateQuery("$D$6")
Set l_destinationRange = MyWS.Range("D6").Offset(2, 0)
...Subscribe Setting.....
l_result = l_historyQuery.Subscribe(a_instrumentIdList, a_fieldList, _
a_requestParams, a_refreshParams, a_displayParams, l_destinationRange, 2)
MyWS.Range("D6").Value = l_destinationRange.Address
...SaveAs Coding....
End Sub