I have a similar query. My screener expression in excel to get the tickers is
TR("SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/UNV:Public/), IN(TR.HQCountryCode,""AR,BR,CL,CN,HU,IN,ID,MY,MX,PL,RU,ZA,KR,TH,TR""), NOT_IN(TR.GICSIndustryCode,""401010"",""401020"",""402010"",""402020"",""402030"",""402040"",""403010""), CURN=USD)","TR.CommonName;TR.HeadquartersCountry;TR"&".GICSSector","curn=USD RH=In CH=Fd")
From the above formula, I get a list of tickers in Column A from A2:A14186. Now I get the Cash data for these tickers like this:
TR($A$2:$A$14186,"TR.CashandEquivalents(CURN=USD Scale=6) ","Period=FQ0 Frq=FQ SDate=0d EDate=2006-12-31 sortd=periodenddate CH=periodenddate NULL=blank RH=IN")
I want to understand how to replicate this query in python
Also running the above query in excel together, I get a restriction of identifiers> 7500 ,
so I have to run it in small batches in excel.