I am interesting to extract the reporting frequency of fundametal data. For example, for apple i would like to get the output Quarterly as the company reports quarterly data. How could I get this value?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @Tulkkas
I believe that it depends on the data field you are referring to.
For example, TR.ISPeriodLength is period of Income Statement.
For content clarification, I would suggest you contact Refinitiv Content Helpdesk at https://my.refinitiv.com/
It depends on the data fields you are looking for whether it supports quarterly data or not.
For example:
You can find the supported parameters by using "Data Item Browser"
Please type in "DIB" on Eikon Search bar and press enter.
And see the parameter section on the top right.
I think maybe my question was not clear but I am not interested in the value of the field itself but more i wish to know if the company is reporting on a quarterly or annualy or yearly frequency.
To determine the reporting frequency of a company's fundamental data (e.g., Apple reports quarterly), you can use a financial data API or visit financial websites. Here's a concise approach using yfinance:
Install yfinance:
Copy code
pip install yfinance
Fetch Data with yfinance:
import yfinance as yf
ticker = "AAPL"
company = yf.Ticker(ticker)
# Get the financials
financials = company.quarterly_financials
# Display the financials to inspect the reporting periods
Alternatively, check financial websites like Finanta or the company's investor relations page for reporting schedules (usually listed as quarterly or annually).
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.