Return on invested capital is defined as ebit/(total current assets - total liabilities).
TR.ROCEActValue(Period=FY0) yields for apple

However the end date of this period is now almost one year ago. Apple's 3rd quarter results were presented on July 30th 2020. Meaning that this number is out of sync for 3 quarters now. If I change the period to other Periods like e.g. (LTM, FI0, FQ0) I get NA for all fields (Date, Period End Date, Return on Capital Employed). I would like to calculate the ROCE over the last four quarters. This should in my eyes be equal to the sum(EBIT(q-4);EBIT(q-3);EBIT(q-2);EBIT(q-1))/(total Assets(q-1) - Current Liabilities(q-1)).
With q-0 being defined as the current (not yet reported) quarter
Is there a way to achieve this using TR.ROCEActValue?