I am getting the following error when i try to set my appkey in python.
Error on handshake port 9000 : ReadTimeout(ReadTimeout)
I am unsure what is causing this as it has been working perfectly well for months until 2 days ago
Hi @Dominic.desaleslaterriere Please could you tell us what version of Eikon, Eikon Library and Python you are running. Also please list versions for the following libraries in python, httpx and nest-asynchio.
Please also try to clear the Eikon cache using tools=>clear cache and restart to see if that helps.
Hi jason,
i have just updated my eikon python package to 1.1.7 and now i am receiving a slightly different error:
Error on handshake port 9060 : TimeoutException("TimeoutException on HTTP request: ReadTimeout('')")
Eikon = Desktop 4.0.52
not sure where to see Eikon library.
python = 3.7.0
httpx= = 0.14.3
nest-asynchio = 1.3.3
I have followed the directions in the below link but get stuck on point 4 as no file of type "SxS.<datetime>.p<process-id>.txt" is produced when i click configuration.
let me Know if you need any more information
thank you
sorry missed the link https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/eikon-data-api-python-troubleshooting-refinitiv
@Dominic.desaleslaterriere ok you can check the eikon library version by:
import eikon as ekek.__version__
Have you seen this thread and also this thread. I think they can help you. Please let me know how you get on.
sorry my eikon version is 1.1.7 as stated in my comment above.
when i try to trouble shoot using the steps as set out in the link below i do not get a SxS file and so cannot go any further. any ideas?
Please could you also explain further how to clear my cache? you have put tools=> clear cache but i dont know where you are expecting me to find tools from? in the eikon desktop app?
@Dominic.desaleslaterriere ok can you try and open both: http://localhost:9000/ping?all and http://localhost:9060/ping?all - in 2 web browser tabs and paste the message please.
suer see below:
port 9060:
Cannot GET /ping
port 9000:
{"port":9000,"mode":"eikon4","pid":15888,"hasSecure":true,"startedTime":"Mon Nov 02 2020 08:42:22 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)","subApps":[{"path":"/heap"},{"path":"/ping"},{"path":"/sxs","data":{"hasSecure":true,"sxsApps":{}}},{"path":"/api"},{"path":"/sxs/v1/services/messenger"}]}
@Dominic.desaleslaterriere ok great that shows the proxy and API are running. After you configured the logs - please shutdown eikon, restart machine and restart eikon then check for the presence of the SxS logfile. Apols this is bit labourious.
The sxs file now appears but i have a couple new folders of the form Eikon.20201103....p... Not sure whihc i should be looking at. Shall i post the contents of the SxS file?
@Dominic.desaleslaterriere not here - I will email you now then send it back to me as txt file.
thank you!