I'm trying to use the DataScope select API to extract Tick History data. I'm successfully able to make a request, however, I get the following error message in the response body:
Quota Message: ERROR: Unable to resolve RIC Root for (RIC, TRGBNBPD1)
I'm not getting any of the requested Tick History data back in the response, presumably due to this error.
The full response is as follows:
@{'@odata.context': 'https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#RawExtractionResults/$entity', 'JobId': '0x0820f6748d8e238c', 'Notes': ['Extraction Services Version 16.1.44123 (ed92f5e3e332), Built Aug 10 2022 01:55:41\nUser ID: 9032209\nExtraction ID: 2000000435345061\nCorrelation ID: CiD/9032209/0x0000000000000000/REST API/EXT.2000000435345061\nSchedule: 0x0820f6748d8e238c (ID = 0x0000000000000000)\nInput List (1 items): (ID = 0x0820f6748d8e238c) Created: 08/15/2022 10:09:54 Last Modified: 08/15/2022 10:09:54\nReport Template (13 fields): _OnD_0x0820f6748d8e238c (ID = 0x0820f6748d9e238c) Created: 08/15/2022 10:08:51 Last Modified: 08/15/2022 10:08:51\nSchedule dispatched via message queue (0x0820f6748d8e238c), Data source identifier (C2C1A41E173A4B77BD9C1E7C70CE5650)\nSchedule Time: 08/15/2022 10:08:51\nProcessing started at 08/15/2022 10:08:51\nProcessing completed successfully at 08/15/2022 10:09:54\nExtraction finished at 08/15/2022 10:09:54 UTC, with servers: tm01n01, TRTH (58.674 secs)\nInstrument <RIC,TRGBNBPD1> expanded to 1 RIC: TRGBNBPD1.\nTotal instruments after instrument expansion = 1\n\nQuota Message: ERROR: Unable to resolve RIC Root for (RIC, TRGBNBPD1)\nManifest: #RIC,Domain,Start,End,Status,Count\nManifest: TRGBNBPD1,Market Price,2022-08-10T06:07:38.043933160Z,2022-08-11T15:49:58.488198065Z,Active,295\n']}
Many thanks for your help!