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Delay between Term&conditions and Historical Reference Report


To indentify the new RIC code when a RIC is decomissioned or the product expired we use the
Historical Reference Report template to find the new RIC reference.

We have noticed that for the recently expired RIC (especialy for derivatives) we don't get the new expired RIC using the api call with template Historical Reference Report durring the first 6 days after expiry..

The call succeed 6 to 7 days after product expiry.

can you share and explanation of this behaviour ? Is there any time period to wait until an expired product is listed in history report ?

is there a workaround top avoid such limitation ?


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Helo @benyounes.benali-ext ,

Terms and conditions content always reflects the current state. Intuitively, to become part of Historical Reference, the latest available information has to be normalized, categorized and indexed, which cannot be immediate, but as a developer, I am not familiar with the details or the duration of this absorption procedure.

A content support case #11906270 has been opened with Refinitiv content on your behalf, to help understand the content and to provide the explanation, our support expert will reach out to you via email shortly.

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