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Had a query where we receive the price updates outside exchange hours for LQD.P. What could be trigger for price change if exchange is yet to open?

We have US ETF and before market opened we see prices are fluctuating

Had a query where we receive the price updates outside exchange hours for LQD.P.

What could be trigger for price change if exchange is yet to open?

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Hi @mahesh.malpani ,

The moderators on this forum are expertise on Refinitiv APIs usage. However, they do not have deep expertise in every type of content available through Refinitiv products. Such expertise is available through Refinitiv Helpdesk, which can be reached via MyRefinitiv. To be of help, ticket number 12057129 was raised on your behalf and the support team is going to contact you soon to assist with this.

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions

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thanks a lot. will check on ticket.

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