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Help with News API for Python, more details

Hello, I need help with the news APIs for Python, please.

I have checked Eikon Data API, Refinitiv Data Library for Python, and the Codebook examples, but I am not finding in the details I need, as they stay at a very high level.

  1. How to retrieve news building more elaborate queries such as using Topics and filters? The ultimate goal is to replicate the results from News Monitor. Ex: Language:LEN AND Source:RTRS AND ( "davos" OR "WEF" OR "World Economic Forum" ) NOT "take a look" NOT Topic:VID NOT AA NOT Topic:VEN NOT Topic:CMPNY NOT ( Product:RITV OR Product:RCNBC OR Product:LCNBC )
  2. How to retrieve news stories/headlines querying based on the “story text” and not just the headline?
  3. For a given storyId, how to retrieve associated attributes or metadata? Ex. I’d like to retrieve its associated region/country, associated topics, associated RICs, etc.


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Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can try the following code with Eikon Data API.

headlines = ek.get_news_headlines('Language:LEN AND Source:RTRS AND (\\"davos\\" OR \\"WEF\\" OR \\"World Economic Forum\\") NOT \\"take a look\\" NOT Topic:VID NOT AA NOT Topic:VEN NOT Topic:CMPNY NOT ( Product:RITV OR Product:RCNBC OR Product:LCNBC )', count=100)

The output is:


It is similar to the Eikon News monitor in that filters are used when querying headlines.

To get metadata, you need to use Refinitiv Data Platform, as mentioned in this discussion.

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Thank you @Jirapongse . Any suggestions on how to query /filter news based on story "text" and not the headlines?

As I know, the API doesn't support this feature.

However, please contact your Refinitiv Account team or Sales team directly to confirm this.

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