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get_news_story for ALERT ?

hello, i believe this function call works for news stories...

storyResult = ek.get_news_story(storyId, True, True)

it comes back with html data, such as in this example:

example for storyID = urn:newsml:newswire.refinitiv.com:20230112:nTUC5DHVC3:8

return value is:

<html><body><div class="storyContent" lang="en"><style type="text/css">.storyContent * {border-color:inherit !important;outline-color:inherit !important;}</style><p class="tr-story-p1"><span class="tr-dateline">Jan 12 (Reuters)</span><span class="tr-dl-sep"> - </span>German professional kitchen supplier Rational <a data-ric="RAAG.DE" data-type="ric" dir="ltr" href="reuters://REALTIME/Verb=FullQuote/ric=RAAG.DE" translate="no">RAAG.DE</a> said on Thursday it expects sales revenues to exceed one billion euros for the first time in 2022. </p><p>This corresponds to 31% growth year on year, above the company's September forecast of annual growth at 23-28%.</p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p class="tr-signoff"> (Reporting by Andrey Sychev in Gdansk, editing by Rachel More)</p><p class="tr-contactinfo">(( <a data-type="email" href="mailto:andrey.sychev2@thomsonreuters.com" translate="no">andrey.sychev2@thomsonreuters.com</a> ;))</p><p class="line-break"><br/></p><p class="tr-copyright">(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2023. Click For Restrictions - https://agency.reuters.com/en/copyright.html</p><p class="line-break"><br/></p><p class="tr-slugline">Keywords: RATIONAL-SALES/</p></div></body></html>

but i am wondering if for "ALERT" type stories, perhaps, get_news_story effectively comes back with blank data / empty html tags every time? i want, certainly, to access the RICs associated with the ALERTs. to do that, if my assumption that get_news_story won't work, then is there a different function besides get_news_story that i can use to help gain access to the RICs associated with the ALERT?


storyId = urn:newsml:newswire.refinitiv.com:20230112:nFWN33X3F9:1

storyResult = ek.get_news_story(storyId, True, True)

return value is ("blank"):

<html><body><div class="storyContent" lang="en"></div></body></html>

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I checked with Eikon and found that Eikon also doesn't show the story of this alert.

The first part of a story may be an alert. This is a headline-only message containing the most essential information relating to an emerging story. Sometimes several alerts for the same story are filed in quick succession.

According to the above definition, alerts can be headline-only messages.

I hope this will help.

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Thank you, but alerts definitely - in tthe Eikon terminal - have Symbols associated with them. I don't need a story - I need a symbol or an RIC associated with the Alert. maybe that helps clarify. thank you.
84.9k 289 53 77


As I know, typically, associated RICs appear as metadata in headlines but the ek.get_news_headlines method is unable to retrieve it.

The following is the raw data retrieved by the ek.get_news_headlines method.

   "sourceName":"Reuters News",

The following is the raw data retrieved from the Refinitiv Data Platform News endpoint (/data/news/v1/headlines).

{'storyId': 'urn:newsml:reuters.com:20230113:nL4N33Y14B:1',
   'newsItem': {'_version': 1,
    'contentMeta': {'audience': [{'_qcode': 'NP:E'},
      {'_qcode': 'NP:NAW'},
      {'_qcode': 'NP:U'}],
     'creator': [{'_qcode': 'NS:RTRS', '_role': 'sRole:source'}],
     'infoSource': [{'_qcode': 'NS:RTRS', '_role': 'sRole:source'},
      {'_qcode': 'NS:RTRS', '_role': 'sRole:origProv'}],
     'language': [{'_tag': 'en'}],
     'subject': [{'_qcode': 'B:255'},
      {'_qcode': 'G:4'},
      {'_qcode': 'B:69'},
      {'_qcode': 'G:9'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:2CQ'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:2DZ'},
      {'_qcode': 'B:72'},
      {'_qcode': 'G:6J'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:2CP'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:2D1'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:2CS'},
      {'_qcode': 'G:K'},
      {'_qcode': 'B:71'},
      {'_qcode': 'R:TSLA.O'},
      {'_qcode': 'B:1296'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:Z'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:1QD'},
      {'_qcode': 'G:1'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:9X'},
      {'_qcode': 'M:2CN'},
      {'_qcode': 'P:4297089638'}],
     'urgency': {'$': 1}},
    'itemMeta': {'firstCreated': {'$': '2023-01-13T04:32:44.000Z'},
     'versionCreated': {'$': '2023-01-13T04:32:44.000Z'},
    'assert': [{'_qcode': 'B:255'},
     {'_qcode': 'G:4'},
     {'_qcode': 'B:69'},
     {'_qcode': 'G:9'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:2CQ'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:2DZ'},
     {'_qcode': 'B:72'},
     {'_qcode': 'G:6J'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:2CP'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:2D1'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:2CS'},
     {'_qcode': 'G:K'},
     {'_qcode': 'B:71'},
     {'_qcode': 'R:TSLA.O'},
     {'_qcode': 'B:1296'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:Z'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:1QD'},
     {'_qcode': 'G:1'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:9X'},
     {'_qcode': 'M:2CN'},
     {'_qcode': 'P:4297089638'}]}}

The raw data from the Refinitiv Data Platform contains associated RICs ({'_qcode': 'R:TSLA.O'}) in the metadata.

Please contact your Refinitiv account team directly to get more information or explore other solutions.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.