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Missing 4295889448 permid

In the past I was able to access 4295889448 permid Compania Espanola de Petroleos SAU. However, your services don't seem to return any results for the given permid. We were interested in retrieving its name back as we identified the name was outdated. According to their articles of association , their new updated name is Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A. (CEPSA).

Can you please review what's the issue with this permid and update its name to the real one?

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Hi @joao-neto ,

Please be informed that the company name has been updated.

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Hi @joao-neto ,

Thank you for reaching out to us, I've contacted the PermID support team to verify it, will keep you updated

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Hi, do you have any expected date to resolve this issue?
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I found


Is it the same company?

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Hi @joao-neto ,

I'd like to confirm the information provided by Jirapongse that the Perm ID team informed me that the Perm ID 4295889448 is now available.

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Hi, thank you very much. Can we review also whether the name is up-to-date as we were mentioning in the first message? According to their articles of association , their new updated name is Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A. (CEPSA).

18 0 2 9

Hi, coming back again as I see the second part of the issue is still not fixed.

Can we review also whether the name is up-to-date as we were mentioning in the first message? According to their articles of association , their new updated name is Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A. (CEPSA).

Looking at LEI the name is also incorrect as it should be "Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A". instead of the name stated in permid "Compania Espanola de Petroleos SAU".

S.A. and SAU is an important difference.

Thanks again.

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Hello @joao-neto, The name has been updated already.

Best Regards,


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