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Connect to RTO with service id and password

I have setup my service id and password with my account manager and after that I downloaded this:

GitHub - Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK

Now I want to get started with the Login/connection to the API, and I was told to use my service id with the password.

When opening the CSharp solution in the git package, I see that step 1 is to make a connection. So I open the project "ConsMod1a_NET6.0" in the solution and in the .cs file i try to find the service id and password to replace, but I found none.

So how do I use this .cs file and my credentials to connect to RTO?

Also, it seems to be connecting to localhost, so another question is, where do i get the host and ports?

I watched this video 30 minutes to create a Real-Time Optimized consumer application | EMA Java | Devportal ( but this is of course Java.

However I was expecting something similar in the CSharp solution, but its very different.

I noticed that in the video the guy was using EMA, whereas in the CSharp solution it seems to be using ETA.

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Hi @dt02,

The C# version of SDK is new and only supports ETA yet. The support for EMA is expected to be available in Q3 this year. EMA is much easier to use compared to ETA. If however you intend to continue using C# for development then there are two options for you -

1. Use the ETA VAConsumer example. You can see the command line options for service account in the command line configuration parameters.

2. Directly use the websockets API without the SDK. This is more work, and your application is responsible for decoding the messages and maintaining the ping timeouts etc. You can use service account credentials with it. See the MarketPriceRdpGwClientCredAuthExample example for parameters.

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Hi Gurpreet

And thanks for your answer.

So if I cant use EMA and must use ETA, then do you have a complete step by step example, using ETA, in C# from connecting to the RTO to getting prices for RICs?

I don't have other options than C#.

I am on the new admin platform and have a service id and password.

So i guess i will be authenticating using OAUTH2 using Client Credentials, according to Account authorization V1 to V2 migration cheat sheet | Devportal (


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According to the Interoperability section of the RTSDK CSharp The SDK supports the connectivity to RTO with V2 Authentication (Client ID and Client Secret) that requires Service account creation.

Please refer to the Account authorization V1 to V2 migration cheat sheet article to verify your account.

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I still think using ETA for your application might be an overkill, but here are the steps to test it out:

1. Download the C# SDK and build the VSConsumer sample

2. Run the sample with your service account credentials like this:

VAConsumer.exe -clientId ***** -clientSecret ***** -sessionMgnt -connectionType encrypted -c ELEKTRON_DD  mp:JPY=

You can follow the ETA C# quickstart guide for more help.

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Ok, maybe you are right.

I have a service thats running in working hours and when running, that service gets last prices for 250'isch securities once a minute.

Which other solution do you think is appropriate for such needs?

I would recommend to use MarketPriceRdpGwClientCredAuthExample example as a starting point.

Hi again

I checked out the code for MarketPriceRdpGwClientCredAuthExample example and it uses a websocket as connection type.

However my needs are more snapshots and not constantly streaming. And only snapshots once a minute.

I have been able to retrieve an access token using a httpclient i C# with my service id and secret. and furthermore i have retrieved the endpoints using the Service Discovery.

Now i just need to get a snapshot of a watchlist once a minute.

Am i able to do that by using the httpclient in C# or do i have to look elsewhere?

As a sidenote, then i was able to use my service id and secret in the MarketPriceRdpGwClientCredAuthExample example to get a snapshot of a RIC. But again, this is achieved by using WebSocket, which might be overkill for snapshots once a minute, dont you think?

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