Hi support,
I am unable to retrieve any data using your websocket API. Login works but then I am getting no response or a NotEntitled error. Please see the JSON messages below:
"Refresh": true, "Key": { "NameType": "AuthnToken", "Elements": { "ApplicationId": "256", "Position": "", "AuthenticationToken": "<hidden>" } }, "ID": 1, "Domain": "Login" }
"ID": 1, "Type": "Refresh", "Domain": "Login", "Key": { "Name": "GE-xxxxx", "Elements": { "TRCE:MaxMessagesPerSecond": 10000 } }, "State": { "Stream": "Open", "Data": "Ok", "Text": "Login accepted by host 3a6b97651e2d via ip-10-28-182-9.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal" }, "ClearCache": false, "DoNotCache": true, "Private": true, "Solicited": false } ]
"Key": { "Name": "CNH=" }, "ID": 1 }
Then nothing, no response. Ping/Pong messages keep flowing though.
When trying to send a different stream id (e.g. 2), I get a NotEntitled / Stream not found message back:
"Key": { "Name": "CNH=" }, "ID": 2 }
"ID": 2, "Type": "Status", "State": { "Stream": "Closed", "Data": "Suspect", "Code": "NotEntitled", "Text": "Stream not found" }, "ClearCache": true } ]
Trying different RICs e.g. TRI.N instead of CNH= yields the same behavior.
Could you please help identify the problem?
Thank you