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Need to get information about the Refinitiv fields


We need to publish the data to Refinitiv and need information about the following fields. It is related to Refinitiv's FID (Financial Instrument Data) database. Could you please help with the meaning and explanation of these underneath fields with this so that we can publish the details?


@umer.nalla @Gurpreet

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can see the descriptions of these real-time fields in the RDMFieldDictionary file.

TRDPRC_1   "LAST"                   6  TRDPRC_2    PRICE              17  REAL64           7
! Last trade price or value.

Otherwise, you can use the Data Model Discovery tool to search for the fields' descriptions.

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Sure, we will use RDMFieldDictionary . Can you confirm that the above is the correct link for downloading the file or can you please upload the file also so that I can download the RDMFieldDictionary file from this ticket?

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You can get it from that link.

However, the latest version is available in the Software Downloads. It is in the Product Family: MDS - General and Product: Refinitiv Real-Time Template Service Pack.

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