I noticed today that if a gethistory request (both in CodeBook and Pycharm) is made of which the requested fields are a mixture of get_data and historical pricing fields. The described dates are not respected for the timeseries fields.
As can be observed from below the dates for the get_data part are respected but not for the interday timeseries. This is in my judgement a bug.
import refinitiv.data as rd rd.open_session() test = rd.get_history( universe="AAPL.O", fields=["TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6,ShType=FFL)","TR.FreeFloatPct()/100/*FreefloatWeight*/","TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3)/*shares outstanding*/","TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)/*close*/","BID", "ASK"], parameters={"Curn": "USD", "SDate": "2020-10-27", "EDate": "2020-12-01"}) test
AAPL.OIssue Market CapTR.FREEFLOATPCT()/100/*FREEFLOATWEIGHT*/Issue Default Shares OutstandingClose PriceBIDASKDate