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Search API filter

Hi everybody! I am currently utilizing the Search API for my project, which involves gathering data on delisted companies. I have successfully collected the required data, but I am now facing a challenge in filtering this dataset to include only companies based in the United States. Despite trying various values, I have not been able to retrieve any relevant data.

Could anyone guide how to adjust my code to effectively filter for U.S. companies that were also delisted in the past two years?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

def search_delisted_companies():
    response =
        view = "Organisations
        filter = "OrganisationStatus xeq 'Delisted'",
        select ="DocumentTitle, DelistedDate, OrganisationStatus, ReasonDelisted
        top = 100
    return response
pythonrefinitiv-dataplatform-eikoncodebookrdp searchfilter
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Hi @vitali ,

I have the impression that `OrganisationStatus` is only `Unlisted` or `Listed`. Have you tried:
        view = "Organisations",
        filter ="OrganisationStatus xeq 'Unlisted'",
        select ="DocumentTitle, DelistedDate, OrganisationStatus, ReasonDelisted, IsExchangeListed",
        top = 100


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Hi, @jonathan.legrand. I'm able to retrieve the Delisted companies. My current objective is to refine this dataset by applying a filter that will allow me to exclusively obtain information on companies based in the United States, focusing specifically on those delisted within the last two years.

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 17.06.29.png

Hi @vitali, TO find US companies, please try:
    view = "Organisations",
    filter ="OrganisationStatus xeq 'Unlisted' and RCSCountryHeadquartersLeaf eq 'United States'",
    select ="DocumentTitle, DelistedDate, OrganisationStatus, ReasonDelisted, IsExchangeListed, RCSCountryHeadquartersLeaf",
        # "RCSCountryHeadquartersName, RCSCountryHeadquarters, RCSCountryName" +
        # "RCSCountryHeadquarters, RCSCountryHeadquartersGenealogy, RCSCountryHeadquartersLeaf, " +
        # RCSCountryHeadquartersLeafML, RCSCountryHeadquartersName, RCSCountryHeadquartersNameML, " +
        # RCSCountryLeaf, RCSCountryLeafML, RCSCountryName, RCSCountryNameML",
    top = 100,
    # order_by="DelistedDate"


When it comes to the `DelistedDate` field not working, I'm afraid that we are straying too far into a content question. For such questions, please reach out to Have you tried raising a ticket there? You may have to specify that you are inquiring about the content field indicative of "company's listing status" that is filterable.

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vitali avatar image vitali jonathan.legrand

Thank you very much for your assistance; I truly appreciate it.

I plan to contact for further information regarding the DelistedDate.

Thank you once again for your support.

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Hi @vitali

Try with the code below:
    filter="OrganisationStatus eq 'Delisted' and RCSIssuerCountryLeaf eq 'United States' and RetireDate ge 2024-02-01",
    select="RIC, CommonName, RetireDate, OrganisationStatus"
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