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impact of ESG in M&A transactions

Hello, I would like to know how I can select filters for my research regarding the impact of ESG factors in M&A transactions, initially for a general search, then for a comparison between Asia, Europe, and America, and subsequently for an analysis between sectors. Finally, I would like to compare the ESG scores of the target and acquirer one year before and one year after the conclusion of the deal. The analysis will then be conducted in Excel. Can anyone advise me on how to proceed?

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Hi @angelica.schioppi ,

I believe using Search in Python might be best suited for your research; you can then export this data in excel with pandas (to_excel). I would suggest maybe using CodeBook (more about it here) if you are not familiar with Python, so that you don't have to go through start up instalations.

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How do I find the ESG scores for the three pillars in the Refinitiv Workspace related to M&A?

Hi @angelica.schioppi ,

Metadata (such as the fields for specific datasets) vis-à-vis Search can be found as shown in the article, under Properties and Metadata.

what filter should I add on refinitiv workspace to find out whether the transaction was paid in cash or shares?

Hi @angelica.schioppi, Please note that this LSEG Developer Q&A Forum is for technical questions related to LSEG APIs only. For Application (e.g.: Workspace) questions such as yours, please reach out to

When it comes to the Search API, filters such as this can be found by outputting the fields to excel, as per the article, as aforementioned. However, if this is insufficient, my colleague also built a browser for the Search API; you can read bout it here:

Build queries easily using Refinitiv's Search API with Python and Jupyter | Devportal (

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