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I need to use get_data to get the PGA2298 content.

PGA2298 is an object of Quote. I need to use Eikon API get_data to get the PGA2298 content. But get_data can only be used like:

ek.get_data(['PGA2298'],['TRDPRC_1', 'BID', 'ASK', 'ACTIV_DATE', 'TIMACT'] )

So my question is how can I get the content of PGA2298 . Is there a special Field for the content ?


#contentpython apiquote
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Hi @liu-siyuan ,

For a list of the data items usable in that function, please look intot the DIB.

Also, may I suggest you use the RD Lib. for Python for future proofing? The Eikon Data Library for Python will be deprecated this year.

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