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Some questions about financial data in the 'refinitiv workspace'

I want to obtain financial data for the 'refinitiv workspace' through an API, but currently only four methods have been found: Python/JS/TS/. net. I would like to know if there is a Java SDK or API available for me to access financial data for the refinitiv workspace.


And I want to know which API the financial data in the picture belongs to? Workspace or Refinitiv Data Libraries or Refinitiv Data Platform? If my previous question was about the wrong API, may I ask if the correct API supports Java mode?


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

We didn't provide any Java libraries to access data through desktop applications (Eikon or Workspace).

You cau use Java to access financial data from Refinitiv Data Platform on cloud which supports REST API. However, you need to have RDP credentials.

For more information regaridng Refinitiv Data Platform, please contact your LSEG account team or sales team directly.

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