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How to match Workspace TRDPRC_1 on charts with Refinitv .Net API HistoricalPricing Summaries

Hi, I am looking to match up API data to Workspace chart data. Using the .Net sample for historical pricing summaries, I'm finding that TRDPRC_1 sometimes doesn't match that shown in Workspace, wondering if I need to use a different field etc..

This is the sample code:

// Retrieve Interday Summaries with P1D (1-day interval).  
var response = Summaries.Definition("VOD.L")
                        .Fields("DATE", "OPEN_PRC", "HIGH_1", "LOW_1", "TRDPRC_1", "ACVOL_UNS")

This image shows workspace compared to the API output:trdprc-1.jpg


trdprc-1.jpg (382.6 KiB)
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Try adding the field "OFF_CLOSE" to your field list.


What I normally do is first eliminate the 'fields' specification from the request. This will return all available fields for the specific asset. This way, I can pick and choose the correct ones of interest.

1718633698547.png (21.4 KiB)
icon clock
10 |1500

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