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Possible to identify MNE's with screener app?

In Refinitiv Workspace's SCREENER app, is there a "data item"/parameter that allows for the identification of multinational enterprises / MNE's? And, on a related note, is there a "data item" that reflects companies' operational locations- that is, the countries in which a company physically operates but is not headquartered?

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Hi @perezludena ,

Thank you for posting the question in this forum. However, this forum is dedicated to an API usage question hence, The moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every type of content available through the products. Such expertise is available through the Helpdesk, which can be reached via MyAccount. If the Helpdesk can show you how to retrieve it using =@TR formula in Workspace/Eikon Excel, then the moderators on this forum can help you translate it into get_data method in the data library

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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@perezludena Thanks for your question - so if you look at the Data Item Browser app (type DIB into Eikon Search bar) you can see all fields available for any company or instrument. So we have a couple of fields which might be helpful here:



Here you can get the country of risk fraction as well as the rank of the top 10 by ISO2 Code - Rank 1 GB...Rank 10 US. This will tell if a company is essentially multinational. You can check the precise definition of this Starmine curated field by looking at the Data Item Browser. I hope this can help.

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Hi @jason.ramchandani01, thank you so much for this response. It is indeed very helpful for our purposes; however, is it also possible to extract separately one of the four listed inputs to this particular StarMine model-- the company's "revenue distribution by geography"? I have not found any item described as such within the DIB, but the model indicates that the datapoint is known.
I am sorry if these are stupid questions and do appreciate your input.

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