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how to achieve USUM1P=ECI data

As our economic data's logic is blur, I cannot find out via which Ric i could get USUM1P=ECI 's latest published data. the Ric CF_Last not work. And eikon.get_data('USUM1P=ECI', ['ECI_ACT_DT', 'ECON_ACT', 'TR.IndicatorLastObservationDate']) not work either

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This could be the content issue. You can check it via the Quote App in Workspace.

The output from API should be the same as the output from the Quote App.


Please contact the helpdesk team via MyAccount to verify the content.

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Hi @tutan ,

Try using get_data function from Refinitiv data libraries for Python. When using the function and passing only the RIC (and skipping fields parameter) it will return all available real-time fields. By doing so, I have seen several date fields which I think might include the answer to your question. See below an example query:

import as rd
rd.get_data(universe= "USUM1P=ECI", fields = ['VALUE_DT1', 'GN_TXT16_3', 'CF_DATE', 'ECI_ACT_DT', 'NDOR_1','NDOR_2', 'NDOR_3'])


The following eikon query will work just fine as well

df, err = ek.get_data(instruments= "USUM1P=ECI", fields = ['VALUE_DT1', 'GN_TXT16_3', 'CF_DATE', 'ECI_ACT_DT', 'NDOR_1','NDOR_2', 'NDOR_3'])

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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that is the problem, what user need, is to get last PUBLISHED data. which should be "2024-8-16, 2.9 "

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