Could you please help me with testserver tool (3.5.3.L1)?
I'm trying to use testserver to replay binary file recorded by testclient. I refered to https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/quick-start-guide-recording-and-playback-refinitiv-real-time-data#Instrument, but it seem that's not quite I really need:
./testserver –S ELEKTRON_DD –bdf ./dump.bin –U 1 –N 14002 –K ---Error: Invalid options Type testserver <CR> to see usage
Previously I asked about testclient and the next article was very useful for me https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/testing-refinitiv-real-time-optimized-connection-with-the-testcl.
Is there something like that, but for testserver?