...2 DecimalPlaces?
From the provided request message, you are using On Demand extraction.
As far as I know (refer to this question), there is no method to set ouput format (i.e. decimal place, ThousandSeparator) for the On Demand extraction.
However, the method to set output format is available for the Schedule extraction. User can do this once creating Report template. Please see this tutorial for more information about the Schedule extraction.
Also, below is the example of request message creating CorporateActionsStandardReportTemplate to retreive 12 decimal places for "Dividend Rate" field.
POST https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/CorporateActionsStandardReportTemplates{ "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates.CorporateActionsStandardReportTemplate", "ShowColumnHeaders": false, "Name": "CorpoateActionsTestTemplate", "ContentFields": [ { "FieldName": "Dividend Rate", "Format": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates.ContentFieldNumberFormat", "DecimalPlaces": 12, "DecimalSeparator": "Period", "UseLeadingZero": false, "NegativeSignPosition": "Before", "ThousandSeparator": "Comma", "UseThousandSeparator": true, "UseTrailingZero": false } }, { "FieldName": "Dividend Record Date", "Format": null } ], "Condition": { ... }}
As we discussed in an email, Schedule extraction is available via both GUI and REST API, so Java application can be implemented to use Schedule extraction via REST API. The Tutorial 12: GUI control calls: immediate extract demonstrates how to create Schedule extraction using both GUI and REST API, since it is stored in the DSS server.For the Java example, please see the DSS2ImmediateScheduleTicksTRTH example in the Java Code Examples downloaded from this link. For this case, client needs to modify the Report template type to use CorporateActionsStandardReportTemplates)
Below are the additional links consist of answers to your queries - https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/14095/do-you-have-sample-to-use-scheduler-to-get-corp-ev.htmlhttps://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/14125/whats-url-i-should-use-to-create-corporate-actions.htmlhttps://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/14157/outputformat-for-report-template.html